Mobile Pilot Plants at your door step

Mobile Pilot Plants at your door step.

Pilot testing enables our customers to verify the feasibility of the proposed separation processes. In addition, innovative solutions and new developments can be elaborated and optimized to supply our customers with the best and most cost-effective solution to their separation problem.


Forced Circulation Evaporator with Stripper & ATFD is set up as modules and consists of:

  • Feeding system
  • In build Stripper Section
  • Forced Circulation evaporator
  • Condensate Collection System
  • Basket Centrifuge
  • Agitated Thin Film Dryer (ATFD)
  • Continuously operating transfer systems
  • Heating and cooling systems
  • Vacuum system

We offer our customers a wide range of services during Pilot Plant Trial

  • Process development and feasibility studies
  • Mini-plant trials
  • Pilot trials
  • Documentation, test reports
  • Measurement of physical properties
  • Production of test samples for customer validation